These semiconductor materials can crystallise in either the cubic
zinc-blende (sphalerite) (beta) phase or the hexagonal wurzite (alpha) phase,
but, for each material, one or other of those phases is
thermodynamically more stable at 300K, as indicated.
Each measured property value at 300K, as given in the tables, is likely, unless otherwise stated, to be the value for the phase that is stable at 300K or for the phase that is the more easily produced. The data for the lattice parameters are quoted from A R West "Basic Solid State Chemistry" (Wiley 1988), which states them to be from R W G Wykoff, "Crystal Structures" (Wiley 1971) Vol 1. The densities of the zinc-blende structures given in the tables below have been obtained by calculation using the respective lattice parameters from there. Data shown without references are quoted from commercial or other documents where the original sources of the data are not stated. |
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