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Semiconductor Scientists, Engineers and Technologists
Across the World

Rotating Earth

        Author: Derek W Palmer
        E-Mail: d.w.palmer@semiconductors.co.uk

Who I Am and Some of My Physics-Research Publications
Lattice Defects in Semicoductors & Metals,
Ion Implantation and Ion Channelling.

Photograph of Derek W Palmer

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The III-Nitride Semiconductors
AlN, GaN, InN

If you would kike me to semd to you a pdf copy of my review article entitled
"Electronic Energy Levels in Group-III Nitrides"
published in the
"Elsevier Comprhensive Encyclopedia of Semiconductor Science and Technology" (2011), Volume 4, pp. 390–447
Please Click Here .

Perovskites Semicpnductors
Perovskites and Perovskite Solar Cells

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These pages are the intellectual property of D.W.Palmer and are not to be copied into other Internet sites.
Considerable effort has been made to try to ensure the correctness of the information on these pages,
but the responsibility for and the consequences of any and all use of the information rest entirely with the user.
Palmer Semiconductor Associates, Deran House, Gulworthy, Tavistock.,
Devon PL19-8JA, UK d.w.palmer@semiconductors.co.uk
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